My favorite burgers off the list below.
(Check out the rest of the list at
10.Burger king whopper with cheese
Burger King’s
gigantic burger has 1250 calories, although we assume that anyone willing to eat that much beef probably isn’t too concerned by the technicalities.
How is That Even Possible?
Three layers of beef add up pretty quickly, and despite the best effort of the vegetables to make this thing look healthy it’s pretty clear from a glance that it will wreak havoc on your body. But hey, at least there’s some lettuce, right?
7. Hardee’s Monster Thickburger
Anything with thick in the name can’t be good; this baby has 1420 calories. That makes “Monster burger” a pretty literal name, although we think “
Abomination burger” might work even better.
How is That Even Possible?
Just look at it, it’s a nightmare. Two 1/3 pound beef patties, four strips of bacon, three cheese slices, and a couple of dollops of mayo: it’s a heart attack waiting to happen. They’re not even trying to pretend it’s healthy by adding a leaf of lettuce or something either, it just straight up says “I’m terrible for you, and yet so delicious, and we both know you have no willpower. Now buy me with some extra-large fries and a coke, tubby.”
3. Carl’s Jr.’s Double Six Dollar Burger
Another beef, bacon and
cheese monstrosity, this Carl’s Jr. burger is the unhealthiest in America, providing 1520 calories and a disturbing 2760mg of sodium (healthy adults aren’t supposed to exceed 2300mg a day according to
How is That Even Possible?
Well, it’s basically the same as the Hardee’s burger, except with onion rings added in. Shockingly, that doesn’t provide any sort of health benefit, and so it’s no mystery as to how this thing is so terrible for you. Sadly, we suspect it’s only a matter of time before a different restaurant adds an extra layer of beef and bacon in an attempt to dethrone this unholy creation.
1. Quiznos Large Tuna Melt
Quiznos innocent looking tuna sandwich manages to hold a staggering 1760 calories, 93 grams of fat and 2120 milligrams of sodium. Add in the optional dressing and you’re looking at an extra 370 calories and 40 grams of fat, which is close to or over the daily recommended calorie count for most people.
How is That Even Possible?
We’re not sure, to be honest.
Isn’t tuna supposed to be pretty good for you? Of course, a large anything in fast food is never a wise idea, but that’s only a partial explanation of what’s going on here. Being drenched in cheese and mayo doesn’t help much, but really, we’re at a loss to explain how so many calories got packed into a single sandwich. It’s not the result of some weird Quizno’s sorcery either, because most of their other products are pretty average by fast food standards. Maybe you shouldn’t question it; just avoid it.